The good news: The best and brightest minds of humanity have shed their physical forms in order to meet up in a glorious digital eternity.

The bad news: You’re not one of them.

After The Filter tells the story of the remnants of humanity left behind after the singularity.

This collection of 10,000 unique hand-drawn, randomized, and AI-free characters represent the lost souls who couldn’t get their shit together in time to upload their consciousness. Certified survivors with negligible survival skills wandering a planet that’s suddenly way, way bigger now that there’s no, like, planes or busses or anything, and the next huggable human is four hundred miles away.

The story will unfold over time, and every character — protagonists, baddies, expendables, lovers, and thugs — will be drawn from the pool of minted artworks.

Who knows? The lonely little being you purchase today could become a prime mover in the world of tomorrow.

10,000 Unique Characters / AI Free /Episodic Film / Stargaze
